Question: 1 / 145

What are examples of sensitive areas that require extreme care when applying pesticides?

Forests and fields

Farms and gardens

Schools, water bodies, apiaries, wildlife preserves, parks

Sensitive areas that require extreme care during pesticide application include locations that can be easily affected by pesticide exposure, either due to environmental impact or harm to living organisms. Schools, water bodies, apiaries, wildlife preserves, and parks are all pivotal in maintaining public health, preserving biodiversity, and supporting ecosystems. Schools are places where children spend significant amounts of time, making safety a priority. Water bodies are crucial sources of drinking water and habitats for aquatic life, where pesticide runoff can have devastating effects. Apiaries are important due to the role bees play in pollination and maintaining agriculture, and exposure to pesticides can harm these beneficial insects. Wildlife preserves and parks are protected environments meant to sustain various species, making pesticide use there particularly sensitive due to potential negative impacts on wildlife and their habitats. In contrast, while forests, fields, farms, gardens, and residential backyards can also be places of concern, they are not as critical as the examples provided, which directly relate to human health and ecological preservation. These are environments where stricter regulations and more stringent care practices are warranted to minimize adverse effects on both the environment and human populations.

Residential backyards


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